A platform for the entire music production lifecycle.

The music industry can be daunting. Let us help you navigate it from conception to release.

Accurate and comprehensive analytics help you plan your next move.

There is something to behold in data visualisation. Human beings are visual creatures and as such we respond better to information that can be seen. Effort can then be dedicated to executing your next move rather than deciding what it should be.

Accurate and comprehensive analytics help you plan your next move.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single link.

The URL is what connects us on the internet. Link management through poly.link provides a succinct URL to share on social media platforms and elsewhere. You have a lot of content to share, focus on creating it and let us take care of exposing it.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single link.

Capture your creativity.

License and sell your beats on chain. Your copyright is protected from release due to the distributed nature of blockchain. Artists and fans can purchase your beats from the marketplace and choose the licensing terms that you set. The appropriate legal documentation is generated per listing to make the collaboration process easier for all involved.

Capture your creativity.

Remove the confusion from licensing and distribution.

Many artists have learned the hard way not to sign a contract without fully understanding the repurcussions that may lie within. This is because legalese, the type of formal language used in legal writing, can be difficult to consume. More so some legally binding documents can be made intentionally confusing. Let us break it down, simply.

Remove the confusion from licensing and distribution.

Hearing is believing.

It is estimated that by 2050 over 900 million people – or one in every ten people – will have disabling hearing loss. As a producer or artist, your ears are your biggest asset. They help you create and consume the content that matters most. Protect yourself with our hearing health guidelines and information.

Hearing is believing.

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Music is a limbic resonator

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